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Majestic Light


“The journey toward our inner truth is often too stressful to walk alone. Without support, we become tired, weary, fearful, and stop in our tracks with that familiar ache in our hearts. An invitation awaits you, in response to your longing, where you can be held in a sacred space, surrounded by trist, integrity, truth and compassion. A sacred space, where you can discern in your own way and time, encouraged and gently challeged by the presence of other women.”
Adapted ~ Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer

Something new has emerged - a women's circle of light.
A circle of trust where our soul, our true self can tap into all our potential, possibilities, prayers and dreams within. A circle, where we are both community and in solitude, listening to our spirit, discerning our authentic voice. A circle, where we reclaim our life by choosing to live undivided; healthy and congruent in all aspects of our living - emotions, body, mind and spirit. A circle of trust, where we embrace our ultimate self, our WHOLE self, allowing our whispered truths to rise up and roar.  

In Your Dreams!

  • What stories would you tell if you were in an environment of nurturing and authentic conversation?
  • What truths would emerge and be embraced if you were deeply listened to?
  • What isolating, fearful and destructive addictions would you set free?
  • What would you do if you knew, and did only that which was truly of service to yourself and others?

The light that shines within you waits in this place of Majestic Light.
It is a place for presence in every moment, each breath, where you are invited to begin where you are. A place where masks come off and pure light illuminates.

Our Audience, all women:

  • Thirsty to live a more conscious and embodied life
  • Questioning your current life path – wondering what else is possible
  • Motivated to live an integral life in all aspects of existence
  • Ready to show up, true to your beauty and essence
  • Curious about living your hearts deepest passion
  • Seeking conversations that shed light on what’s most important NOW

Our Topics:
Women answer the question "What choices do I make living life with Health at my core?" Healthiness is defined as:

  • Self-Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness
  • Facing Our Fears and Shadows
  • Body-Mind-Emotion care
  • Emotion-Business care (finances, spending, planning for the future)
  • Appropriate responses to "Yes" and "No"
  • Trusting Intuition
  • Family and Love Relationships
  • Meanignful Work
  • Gratitude and Affirmation

Our Promise:

  • Deeper understanding of who you really are
  • Building capacity and competencies to engage fully with life
  • A welcoming and warm space to speak your deepest and wildest truth, share your SECRETS, tell your stories, and be still
  • A wise community that can hold tension, be focused and flexible
  • Deep inquiry that moves the collective outcomes of our circle
  • A nourishing and nurturing learning community
  • Tols, practices, gentle guidance, gentle coaching and timely facilitation
  • A place to be swaddled with compassion, caring and love!

Our Conveners/Coaches:

Majestic Light is convened by Visionary Creator, Ronita Johnson and Master Coach, Diane Woods. In partnership, friendship and service, they make accessible to a larger community the principles, practices and learnings from their life's journey. They create an environment rich in tapping the well that lives within each of us and holds our deepest knowing. From time to time, guest Practioners from various disciplines (energy, body, improvisation, music) are invited into the environment, to deepen the community's experiences and development.

You Recieve:

  • 76 Hours of circle and group coaching
  • 20 Hours of individual, customized coaching
  • Comprehensive Workbook, with focus on emotions, body, mind and spirit
  • Enneogram and personal typing assessment
  • Exposure to a variety of life supporting expression
  • 8 organic breakfasts
  • 8 organic lunches
  • Support supplies and materials

Our Tuition and Dates:

Majestic Light Circle is a one-year process that begins each October and meets quarterly for two days. We convene from 8:30 to 6:00 on Friday and Saturday. Sessions are held locally alternating between Pleasant Hill and San Francisco. Participants are responsible for lodging and transportation. Individual coaching is offered between sessions at the convenience of the participants.

Contact us for more information regarding tuition.

"Human beings go through seasons. At one point, they bloom with Summer harvesting their abundance and commitment to flower. Then naturally in Autumn a shedding occurs, a time of falling away, stagnation and disillusionment. Winter brings falowness, dormancy, death and rest. Eventually with Spring a great melting into muck and mud, whihc if one can persevere, opens naturally into a time when everything is possible and horizons open."
Adapted from "I Will Not Die an Unlived Life" by Dawna Markova



Design by Clear Light Communications
All contents copyright © 2008 ~ Ronita Johnson