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Queen International, Ubud, Bali

beautiful queens in bali
Beautiful Queens

sleeping accomodations
Sleeping accomodations in Bali

bali dancer
Balinese Dancer, Queen International

It's way cool up here on this elephant, Bali

Enjoying Thailand
Enjoying Thailand before our Circle

sacred symbols
Symbols of our Sacred Circle

queen circle
Queen Pose, Bali

More Photographs of Bali

Photographs of Women in Circle



"Being in Circle is a way to tap into the collective field and experience interdependence in a system much larger than self.  In Circle we listen wholeheartedly with our body, rather than the words, to the patterns that are being born in that very moment. You know you can't find it in a book, because it is new and fresh.  This is where we tap into God, spirit and the great mystery of life."
~ Sarita, Master Coach, New Ventures West


"Circle transformed my life and helped me to have a deeper understanding of who I am in a sacred way.  With the transition of both parents, I knew I had a sacred center that would love me through this passage.  There is nothing better than knowing I can be comforted, be fearless and be who I am in CIRCLE.   I wouldn't trade this space for anything, as I walk through the doors of aging."
~ Gwen, Consultant, Apple Computers


“It was magical; it seemed like we had been together before as the sacred center was created almost immediately.  I felt a sense of the collective; safe nurturing and spacious all at the same time.  We all shared deeply in the next few days.  We listened, laughed, cried, played and shared our hopes, fears, joys and sorrows.  We ended with a commitment to deepen with each other in Circle.  It truly was an experience of once in a life time when spirits touch each other in such a profound way – heart to heart and soul to soul."
~ Ivy, former HR Manager, Genentech


"Being in Circle with Ronita is a gift, a miracle, because I experienced an incredible inner and outer journey.  The Circles happen to have come at times when I needed to restore and renew my spirit.  From the beginning, she established a trust and a purposeful intention.  I was so thankful for her thoughtfulness and detailed planning; moreover, for her genuine concern for the well being of the Circle and her firm commitment and intention for each sister to realize their Inner Queen.  Her guidance and insightful leadership in each Circle evoked openness, sisterhood, friendship, peace and love throughout both journeys.  Ronita has hit upon a way to help sisters reconnect with themselves and perceive their true greatness with fun, rich conversation, laughter, majestic surroundings and soul.  I came away feeling like a QUEEN!"
~ Deborah, Founder, Dimensions Dance Theater & College Administrator, Contra Costa


“The Queen journey was an ideal place to celebrate and reaffirm the joy of rediscovery.  It was a place where that inner peace and spiritual direction women seek was realized.  The overwhelming sense of harmony and oneness with the “sisters” was truly a celebration of our culture and the blessing we so often overlook.  The balance of silent meditation, dancing, good conversation and private time, allowed us to indulge, rejuvenate and renew our bodies and minds.  Bali was so picturesque; it enriched each one of us and awakened all the energies inside.  I am so impressed with the serenity that Ronita has brought to Circle gatherings.  She has created a sacred place for healing, contemplation and beauty.  It was awesome and I will definitely go again."
~ Deborah, Owner, Bedside Manor, Teacher, Author

Majestic Light

"Majestic Light has offered me a wonderful new way to explore my self development in a unique and sacred space created in real time, by and for real women in the form of Circle, who together can unleash their inherent beauty and wisdom and witness as it unfolds. The encouragement and support I give and receive from my sisters and in our Circle is alive and kicking and continues to be a reservoir of ongoing support in my life. The love, compassion, wisdom and guidance provided by Diane and Ronita has surpassed my greatest expectations and inspires me not only to hold steadfast to my commitments, my goals and my faith in myself and others, but to enjoy my journey to the fullest!!!"
~ Amy, Manager and Coach


"There is something magical about participating in the Majestic Light Circle of women. I will always cherish the encouragement, support and loving kindness I experience during every Circle meeting."
~ Bess, Former Vice President


"Because there are very few people that I can fully confide in, the Majestic Light experience provides a means for me to express my true feelings, sacred desires and individual nature. It has been a great spiritual revelation for me as well. The power of women coming together to share from the heart creates a scared space that turns anxiety and fears into quiet confidence and hope. It is the perfect outlet for self-discovery, transformation and manifestation. The best part is the ongoing support throughout the year! The women (and the bond we share) are wonderful! Diane and Ronita are down to earth, very skilled, extremely knowledgeable, incredibly caring and very supportive. This experience continues to be a prayer answered. I feel that investing in myself has been worth every penny!"
~ Susan, Contract Specialist, State of California



"Ronita is an extraordinary Coach because her approaches are so diverse and they helped me to maximize my own potential.  My feelings about her coaching can be described in one word, illuminating!  It takes courage to turn yourself inside out, but it absolutely can not be done without the support of someone who can lovingly hold a mirror to your tear stained face and help you believe that wherever you are in that moment, you are enough!  High praise to Ronita, because she steps in where few have the courage, and partners with you to draw upon your own strength on this journey of life."
~ Monica, Human Resources, The Bill Gates Foundation



"Over the course of a lifetime, we learn a lot of negative messages,  bad habits, and self-destructive behaviors.  Often times, we don't even realize we're doing these things to ourselves and those around us.  

Ronita's coaching helped me to identify those qualities, understand how they came to be, and to create new messages, habits and behaviors that not only countered the negative, but also helped me to move towards a more loving, positive future."
~ Sissy, Women's Leadership Circle



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All contents copyright © 2008 ~ Ronita Johnson