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Circles for personal exploration and awakening to possibilities
for all women

The Call:
We long for a deeper sense of knowing and tapping into who we truly are by celebrating and rejoicing in our inner beauty.
We tune into the vibrations of all that holds us - the earth air, water, stars, and moon.
We awaken to each sunrise, communing with spirit and the powers of our Inner Queen.
We come in recognition and honor of our sisterhood as women.
We come in celebration of this rite of passage that is ours to claim, rich in recognition of what has brought us to this moment in time.

The Journey:
We land in a place surrounded by unfamiliar terrain.
The climate is just right and in the distance, we feel the breeze and smell the aroma of the native culture.
We exhale, remembering the freedom of living life like it's golden.
What lies ahead, we're not quite sure, and yet we trust it will be an extraordinary adventure.
The faces, colors, textures, landscapes and taste lie before us, ready for us to experience.
We’re excited and filled with anticipation for what is to come.

Our Ways of Being Together:
We sit in a Circle with other women.
Women of diverse professions, ages, geography, culture, heritage, economics, shapes and ways of being.

We speak one at a time, listening intently, as we create, mold and shape our time together.
We bring the questions from the darkness and make them visible for all to explore.
We open to spirit , sit in our tensions and flow more easily with what emerges.

The Time:
Our time is filled with sharing our personal and collective stories, one at a time, until we are empty enough to be present.
We listen to our intuition, inquire into our best intentions, and journey towards our passions.
We participate in practices: breathing, meditation, journaling, and mind/body movement.
We dance, sing, laugh, play, rest, relax and rejeuvenate.
We affirm each other and nourish our hopes and dreams.
We are structured and loose, planned and spontaneous, exuberant and silly, serious and hilarious.


Our Gift:
Each day we awaken to the tranquility of our inner beauty, in harmony with our impulses and instincts, for we have s-l-o-w-e-d down.
Each day we are greeted by the unknown, invited into the community we have created together.
Each day a candle glows and waits patiently for the energy dance of every moment.
Each day we are witnessed by our Circle - our sanctuary.

Our Awakening:
Gently, we begin to remember what it feels like to be in our body, as doing takes a sabbatical and being becomes our natural state.
We feel more alive, alert, attentive and awakened by each breath.
We feel more refreshed, energized, spacious, grounded, clear and pampered.
Our smiles become wider and our hearts become more full, as our symbols remind us of our pledge to live life more abundantly. We depart in gratitude!

Our Form:
We offer two types of Circles: Three day Circles in the US, and week-long (at least 8 days) International Circles.
Circles usually begin on the weekend.
Our Circles are intensionally small (No more than 15) to create intimacy and trust.
We work with professional travel agents worldwide.
We offer additional excursions before or after the Circle gathering.

Our Cost:
Costs vary depending on domestic or international gatherings and typically include: airfare, hotel accommodations, full breakfast, ground transportation, supplies, materials, some tours and Queen’s Affirmation Party). 
Deposits are suggested to guarantee your space.

Contact us for more information and details, as announcements for gatherings are sent out regularly.



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All contents copyright © 2008 ~ Ronita Johnson