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IMAGINE, you are living a full and integrated life of wholeness.  Motivated to reach out and take hold of what is possible, you unhooked yourself and got off the merry-go-round of becoming inspired and then giving up. You reached out and culrtivated all that life had to offer - all that you had dreamed, quietly in moments of silent contemplation.

You kept your promises to yourself, shifted or changed your habits, perhaps even your focus, quieted your mind and quit the addictions that no longer served. You learned how to listen from within, trust your intuition and become more conscious. You learned how to correct or redirect your attention and your energy by drawing upon the resources that nurture and support you. You learned that life doesn't always proceed as planned, and that you can't always count on others. You are happy, enthusiastic and alive, knowing whatever comes your way, you will survive with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Each night as the sun set, you glanced pass your day, present to this very moment, and knew you had lived the day full of hope and inspiration, more deeply connected to yourself and others than ever before. And each night as the sun set yuo inquired into your existence and knew that whatever had occurred, you had showed up with integrity and authenticity in your truth.

IMAGINE, you are living a full and integral life of wholeness.

Sounds too difficult?  It can be, but there is another option.
Working with an Integral Coach!

What's an Integral Coach?

  • A partner that will bring full attention and understanding to ALL the ways you interact with the world, as a human being
  • A focused listener, that is fully present and attentive
  • An inquirer that will ask skillful questions
  • A confidant you can trust with yout innermost thoughts and feelings
  • An illuminator that points out blind spots and shines light on your path
  • An explorer, who makes distinctions
  • Someone full of energy that is excited and motivated to work with you to discover the persn you most desire to become!

Coaching Benefits:

  • Moves you toward living a more balanced, congruent and appreciative life
  • Offers an increased awareness of the impact of your personal patterns
  • Helps you to discern the relationship between intentions, behaviors, action and results
  • Helps you to develop and cultivate long term self-observations and practices that support your intentions
  • Sustains you in making the best decisions and actions for leading a more balanced life
  • Moved you forward beyond life's difficulties to explore new possibilities and grasp new insights
  • Honors and meets us where we are
  • Guides us to find and cultivate our unique center

Coaching Structure:

  • Initial conversation to discuss intention, goals and focus
  • Building a relationship of mutual respect, trust, freedom of expression and fit
  • Assessment to determine purposes and outcomes
  • Agreement of Coaching program (sessions, practices, expectations, fees, meeting modalities, etc.)
  • Begin the coaching relationship (no less than 3 months)

Why choose me?

  • Certified Coach, New Ventures West (Class of 2000)
  • Brings 35 + years in customer service, human resources, organizational development, diversity, and management change
  • Has coached all levels within for profit and non-profit organizations (CEO, Leadership/Management, Staff, Teams & Groups) 
  • Combines certified approach with intuition and energy work
  • Incorporates practice of  "dialogue" into coaching methodology
  • Works with you as a whole person (body, mind, spirit, emotions, spirit)
  • Motivates you to live a joyful and fulfilling life
  • Is inspirational and continues to partner with you around authentic change
  • Knows when to push and when to be gentle
  • Is open, attentive, curious, and FUN!
  • Weans you when it’s time

Coaching Costs:
Pay structure varies and is dependent upon several variables, including

  • Length of coaching program
  • Number of sessions per month
  • Status (corporate, non-profit or individual)



Customized services are offered for organizations, businesses and corporations, both profit and non-profit on the topic of integral health; relationships, inclusion, practices to reduce stress, conversations that lean to meaning and effectiveness. Contact us for more information.


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All contents copyright © 2008 ~ Ronita Johnson