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circle in bali

“Inner Queen” work is grounded  by…

An intention, principles, conditions and a framework, that is rich in building a community called Sacred Circle.

Sacred Circle  is…

  • An adaptation of ancient indigenous practice, with specific principles and ways of being
  • A way to make conscious what lies in the shadow
  • Space to ponder, speak and feel out loud - our most intimate and profound thoughts, questions, beliefs and traditions with less hesitation
  • A profound way of being together, that reduces our speed long enough to awaken the passion of our life’s meaning
  • Fertile ground for sprouting seeds, flowers and dreams!
  • A community of two or more, discovering who we are becoming
  • A place to just be still!

 Sacred  Circle  offers an opportunity to…

  • Discover, know and share YOUR true voice
  • Speak with integrity and express what you need
  • Bring every aspect of who you are
  • Find the courage to inquire, be open to outcomes and become influenced
  • Listen deeply – give and receive
  • Understand the role of tension and address it with compassion
  • Be in a learning community, deepening together
  • Notice and pay attention to what has the most meaning in your heart
  • Deepen a discipline of responding to the emergent spirit

Sacred Circle expectations include…

  • Creation of a community coming with purpose
  • Time to relax, play, create, and be pampered
  • Gestures that call in and pay attention to energy
  • Agreements created by the community, that serve the parts and the whole
  • Practice of specific behaviors
  • Leadership that is shared – where all are learners and teachers
  • A beginning and ending, where time slows and flows
  • An exploration of assumptions and judgments
  • Journaling and reflection
  • An honoring of silence and stillness
  • A reverence for confidentiality
  • Space to celebrate our Inner Queen over and over again



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All contents copyright © 2008 ~ Ronita Johnson